About Moretec

Our Principle

Design & Manufacture Technology
We strive to find the best solution that meets your requirement

Consistent Production System

Self-development and Manufacture Capabilities

Moretec Group provides solutions that make their products work better and more reliably. We are capable of designing, manufacturing and testing its own products without outsourcing. Therefore, we can ensure fast delivery and maintain competitive price. With more than 20 years of in making ferrofluid feedthrough, we are well prepared to face any incoming challenges.

Analysis Technique

We use 4 progressive analysis technologies to estimate the outcome of our designs, aiming at getting the best solution to your requirements.

Analysis Technique

Calculating technology of feedthrough’s service life

Moretec has world leading technology to calculate the life span of bearing and ferrofluid. After the calculation we can show our customers where in their design can be improved, further extending product life.

Thermal Analysis

Thermal Analysis

We analyze how the viscosity of magnetic fluid / ferrofluid influences seal’s temperature under operational condition, then adjust the result with experiments to find the most suitable feedthrough design.

Magnetic Field Analysis

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We collect data through magnetic field analysis, then pick the most suitable ferrofluid and magnet based on the result.


Fluid Analysis

Fluid Analysis

We perform theoretical calculation of centrifugal force and the ferrofluid’s fluxion, then adjust the result with experiments to find the matching magnetic field.

Production Flow

Processing techniques

We use forgings to improve work efficiency and reduce human cost. In addition, Moretec has its own heat treatment installations. By performing heat treatment to workpieces in advance, we are able to reduce stress during process to improve machining precision.


We use Japan made equipment to produce the best ferrofluid feedthroughs.

  • Machining CenterMachining Center
  • Milling MachineMilling Machine

  • Vacuum Parts CleanerVacuum Parts Cleaner
  • Precision Vacuum Grease InjectorPrecision Vacuum Grease Injector

Magnetic Fluid


Moretec has over 15 types of ferrofluid which can apply on wide range of environment. To ensure effective sealing, ultra-high precision ferrofluid injectors are used – as precise as 1/1000ml, to make sure every product carries the exact volume of ferrofluid needed.

About Magnetic Fluid Feedthrough / Ferrofluidic seal / Vacuum Rotary Feedthrough

Quality Control
We provide highest quality of magnetic fluid feedthrough / Ferrofluidic seal / vacuum rotary feedthrough

Parts Inspection

Parts Inspection

For each part, inspection is required after each procedure. Unqualified parts are sent back for re-sharpening or disposal depending on its condition. Only by examining products frequently can guarantee our product quality.

Parts Inspection

During the inspection,we also inspect sctraches and rags to further improve product quality.


Product Inspection

We provide the highest quality magnetic fluid feedthrough / Ferrofluidic seal / vacuum rotary feedthroughby conducting double inspection with not only a He leak test but also a pressurized leak test. Moreover, we conduct all the inspections with even higher precision by utilizing a pressure inspecting device developed by our company.

Data Management

Data Management

All products are monitored through serial number management, which enables us to track each manufacturing session and create a database of who did what, when they did it, and how it was done to ensure the quality

Supply Chain
Cooperation between headquarter and divisions helps stabilize supply chain.

Stable Supply

We established various bases overseas to cooperate with Japan’s headquarter and set up an optimal production-to-delivery system. With progressive technology and supply chain, we get to promote our customer service to the next level.

With the competitive price, over 3000 types feedthrough have been designed.

They could function as reactive gas seal, coaxial feedthrough, rotary gas union etc.

  • Achievement
  • Achievement
  • Achievement


Contact us

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone or filling contact form

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